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Портрет марокканского агронома Фуада Амина_Блог OneSoil

How OneSoil helps a Moroccan agronomist detect clogs in irrigation

Reading time — 7 min
Drawing on his own experience using OneSoil, Moroccan agronomist Fouad Amine shares his views on how such technology can advance farming in Morocco.
Fouad Amine is an agronomist from Morocco who works with farmers across the country to help them improve yields by implementing various technological solutions such as IoT-based irrigation systems, GIS tools, and soil health mapping to refine crop fertilization. Fouad is also one of the founders of Moroccan Precision Farming Action, an organization that promotes using such tools and technologies among Moroccan agricultural professionals.
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Scouting and notes
Monitor plant vegetation and leave notes for field problem areas. Both in the mobile app for Android and iOS and the web app.
Track growing degree-days, accumulated precipitation, and vegetation using charts. Only in the web app.
"I would say that IoT-based irrigation scheduling is the only precision farming technology that is widely embraced in Morocco these days. Other tools, such as GIS for crop scouting and task management, variable-rate technology, or advanced soil mineral mapping, are still very much in the inception phase," Fouad says about the state of precision agriculture in his country.

That's why keeping up with the latest developments and products in precision agriculture is not just a matter of personal interest for Fouad. It's part of his job. One of the tools he loves using in his work is the OneSoil platform. He employs it for things like crop scouting, detecting anomalies, and determining whether or not foliar feeding is needed. OneSoil is sometimes a real lifesaver for Fouad because it allows him to identify problem areas in the field quickly; thus, averting significant harm to crops.

How to detect a clog in irrigation using NDVI images

Recently, the OneSoil Scouting app helped Fouad find a water stress spot caused by drippers getting clogged. "I wouldn't have detected this anomaly through conventional scouting," Fouad says. "Just imagine having to scout an over 50-ha area. Detecting a clogged spot can be tricky. OneSoil gives you a birds-eye view from space (the OneSoil app shows the NDVI vegetation index based on satellite images, not the images in itself—OneSoil), which makes it much easier to identify a problem area".
Засушливый участок поля на карте NDVI_Блог OneSoil
You can detect the water stress area by NDVI image. Here is how such an area will look in the OneSoil platform
Fouad explains that clogging is a common problem if a drip irrigation system isn’t adequately managed. Low-quality fertilizers or mixing them can also lead to this problem. "Crops turn yellowish in the spot that’s suffering a shortage of water or fertilizers. But satellite imagery helps detect an anomaly earlier and, consequently, take action faster," Fouad adds.

How to make scouting routine easier and cheaper

For Fouad, the greatest benefit OneSoil has provided him is making his scouting routine much easier and cheaper. "Traditional field scouting is an expensive, time-consuming task, and we can never get precise insights," he says. "I believe that platforms like OneSoil are unique, efficient solutions for inspecting crops, detecting anomalies early on, and managing tasks."

Going forward, Fouad plans to explore further and start using another OneSoil feature more actively in his work: the growing degree-days (GDD) index offered through the web app.
I’m planning to use the GDD index heavily in the future to get accurate crop growth stage estimates and predict when pests and beneficial insects will appear.
Fouad isn’t the only one reaping the benefits. The most important challenges facing Moroccan agricultural professionals today include the need to manage water and agro-inputs better, as well as an advanced soil biological mapping system that can serve as the basis for refining fertilization programs. Fouad believes that OneSoil and similar apps can really help Moroccan agricultural professionals and become the key to resolving such challenges.

"OneSoil is a useful tool that farmers can use free of charge to find the answers to the main challenges they face in Morocco. What I love about the app is that we can use NDVI insights and GDD in different, innovative ways that allow us to use agro-inputs better from an agronomical and environmental point of view", Fouad sums up.

Interview conducted by Vlad Kovalevski
Illustrations created by Dasha Sazanovich
Article layout by Anton Sidorov
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