OneSoil News: April, 2019

We continue to move towards a bright future at comfort speed. In April, we produced a new batch of weather sensors, added three languages to the web platform and launched our apps in several new countries. And hooray! We learned to calculate growing degree-days and accumulated precipitation! ✋
OneSoil News: April, 2019
We continue to move towards a bright future at comfort speed. In April, we produced a new batch of weather sensors, added three languages to the web platform and launched our apps in several new countries. And hooray! We learned to calculate growing degree-days and accumulated precipitation! ✋
⚡ We calculate growing degree-days and accumulated precipitation

Look for the new feature in the "Weather" section. Using growing degree-days, you can predict plant phenophases and conduct fieldwork more accurately, for example, planning the application of nitrogen fertilizers or pesticides. Charts of accumulated precipitation allow to estimate the moisture level of the soil; which in turn helps to predict yield and calculate the dosages of fertilizers. To build a chart, select any period of time within one season.
Accumulated temperature and precipitation_OneSoil Blog
⚡Added some updates to the web platform

Now we show the average NDVI for the entire field, and also its changes over a period of time. There are minor corrections to the calculator of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium: now you can smoothly switch between different types of fertilizers. We also calculate nitrogen fertilizers using any image made as early as the year 2016. Meet the improved calendar: to move up to a particular month and year, you can use the "←" and "→" keys on the keyboard. And if you have hundreds of fields, check their list — you can now scroll at the speed of light, isn’t that right?
For instance, here is an average NDVI for a field
Average NDVI for a field_OneSoil Blog
For instance, here is an average NDVI for a field
Added three new languages

So now noi parliamo Italiano, wir shprechen Deutsch, nós falamos Portugues. If you have fellow farmers who speak German, Italian, or Portuguese, tell them the good news.

⚡Five new countries on the web platform

We allocated field boundaries and launched our applications in Chile, Uruguay, Turkey, New Zealand, and Mexico. We are looking forward to feedback from farmers from these countries.
⚡Meet the new weather sensors

OneSoil Sensor measures soil moisture and air humidity, the temperature of both soil and air, and determines the level of light intensity for a specified portion of a field. Last year we produced the first batch, then made some corrections and now we are ready to test the new prototype. We aim to develop budget weather sensors so any farmer on Earth will have an opportunity to monitor fields remotely. About a hundred of these handsome fellows will soon go to farmers in neighboring countries and the United States.

If you want to order OneSoil weather sensor, please fill out the Google Form.
OneSoil weather sensor 2.0_OneSoil Blog
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